Confession (go back »)

June 15 2007, 8:20 PM

I want to make you the happiest person in the world...Sounds a little cliche but thats how I feel...Everyday I speak to you or see you, I know I'm happier...I smile just thinking of you...Do you ever wonder why I never want to let go when you're holding me tight....I did...Just ask and I'll let you know. You're my sun on a dreadful day, my moon on a lonely night...The half smile on my face when nothing else feels right...That's how I feel. I sense a fearful hope inside of me...You're the one that can make me braver...You can make me let go of all my inhibitions...You can make me less cautious...Take your time but don't take an eternity...Because I'm pretty sure I'll wait...I'll wait an eternity for you to tell me you feel the same...That feeling is worth more than all the time in the world...


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  • Female
  • 20 years old


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